Sunday, May 22, 2011

Homemade Baby Food

I have had many moms ask me what to feed their baby, or what did I use?  how do I get my little ones to eat all thier veggies?  I have been a mom for going on 8 years, and although it didn't always work out the way I wanted it, for the most part my kids eat well!  They get a full days worth of veggies and sometimes don't even know it.  Thats right, I am a sneaky chef!!!  I hide it everywhere...  But it all starts when they are babies, because I have always made my own baby food.  Yes thats right, even when I had three babies under the age of 1, I still found time to make my own baby food.  I felt it was easier (ok maybe not, but give me a break), cheaper, and healthier (no preservatives, or added anything). This worked great as a foundation to getting my little ones to eat all ther veggies!  :)

1.  First thing first, be patient.  Kids refuse greens because it is in our DNA.  We naturally eat whites and orange colored veggies before we would greens and this goes back to caveman days. 
2. Always offer them so they have the choice.  You can hide them too in things they like, but always offer them on the side, and make them take at least one bite.  This doesn't mean make it a battle, but coax them (as my husband would say).
3. Start off with smooth texture veggies, babies especially are turned off by texture before taste.

So I found this little article on, and thought anyone asking these questions would enjoy this article!
~Mommy of 6 <3

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