Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Will have sex for food!

I thought that title would catch your attention! 

Did you know that what you eat can affect your libido, your sex drive!  There is no doubt that the unhealthy American diet is contributing to the obesity epidemic! This same unhealthy-fat filled diet that contributes to the obesity also is the root of the national sex crisis.  Changing what you eat can change your performance in bed as well!  In 1996 the average American had sex 138 times per year compared to just 85 times per year in 2007.  That means it dropped 38% in a little mroe than a decade.  Psychologist estimate that as many as 1 in 5 couples are in a sexless (less than 10 times per year) marriage.  WOW, right?  Obesity being the biggest factor because as a persons weight soars, the libido drops!  This plummet is due to a biochemical change that result in a diminshed bloodflow.  There simply can not be sex without a strong blood flow!  According to David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding, co-authors of the national best seller EatThis- Not That!, with simple changes to your diet you can recharge and revitalize your sex life and reinvigorate your relationship!  Here are four recipes they recommend to do just this!

The Smoothie For Him
1 cup blueberries

1 cup vanilla yogurt
2 Tbsp flaxseeds
1 cup orange juice
1 cup ice

Consider this man's ultimate erection insurance. The main reason? It's loaded with two of the most potent circulation enhancers out there: soluble fiber and antioxidants. Soluble fiber helps push excess cholesterol through your digestive system before it can be broken down, absorbed, and deposited along the walls of your arteries. Antioxidants attack free radicals before they have the chance to lower nitric oxide levels. And since nitric oxide helps deliver oxygen to your blood, the higher the level, the better your bloodflow

The Her Smoothie
2 shots of espresso (or 6 ounces of strong coffee)

1 cup skim milk
2 Tbsp dark chocolate syrup
1 cup crushed ice

More than just providing a caffeine buzz and a host of antioxidants, java increases bloodflow to your genitals, making sensitive nerve endings more easily accessed and stimulated. A Southwestern University study even found that female rats wanted more sex after a shot of caffeine. Add to that a big hit of calcium, another important contributor to effective bloodflow, and a swirl of chocolate, and you have a scintillating shake to wake up to. Chocolate contains a host of chemicals to brighten your mood, including anadamine, which targets the same receptors as THC, and phenylethylamine, which produces a cozy, euphoric feeling. It's no wonder a new Italian study of 163 women shows that those who regularly eat chocolate report enhanced sex drive and sexual satisfaction

Breakfast for Him:
The scent of baked cinnamon buns turns a man on. That was the conclusion of neurologists following a unique experiment in which they monitored penile bloodflow in 25 medical students while the students sniffed different smells. The researchers exposed the students to a wide range of fragrances, from lily-of-the-valley to rose to musk, but found that cinnamon buns turned men on most. The scents of pumpkin pie, doughnuts, and black licorice also ranked high. Researchers speculate the smells may evoke a nostalgic memory that relaxes a man, making him more aware of sexual cues

Breakfast for Two:
The foolish see an Egg McMuffin; you should see the ingredients for sex. The combo provides extra zinc—a mineral that she needs to stay well lubricated and you need to keep producing semen—and niacin. This B vitamin is essential for the secretion of histamine, the chemical that helps trigger explosive sneezes and orgasms. It also has a perfect balance of fat, since studies have found that too much or too little dietary fat can decrease levels of libido-boosting testosterone.

Mid Morning Snack
It might be kids foods, but it has some very grown-up implications. Here's why:

Every stalk of the stuff is packed with androstenone and androstenol, two pheromones that can help men attract women the way Tom Brady attracts tacklers. Every time you chew on a stalk of celery, you release these odor molecules, which helps boost your arousal, turning you on and causing your body to send off scents and signals that make you more desirable to women.

Peanut butter
Research shows that men with diets high in monounsaturated fat—the kind found in nuts—have higher testosterone levels than those who don't eat enough of the healthy fat. Plus, nuts are also the best food source of arginine, an amino acid that improves bloodflow throughout your body—including below the belt.

Raisins are loaded with lignans, phytoestrogens that play an important role in balancing hormones for women. They're also a potent source of antioxidants, which help encourage bloodflow to the nether regions.

Snack for her:

There are about 8 million cases of urinary tract infections diagnosed each year in the United States, the majority of them occurring in sexually active women—sex can cause bacteria to spread upward into the bladder. Furthermore, 20 percent of women suffer from chronic urinary tract infections, increasing their risk of kidney infections. Ward off the painful infection and keep your sex life vital by drinking half a cup of unsweetened cranberry juice, a natural antibacterial, each day. Research shows that tannins in the juice decrease a woman's risk of an infection by 34 percent.

If unsweetened juice is too bitter to stomach, try yogurt with "live active cultures." The yogurt contains probiotic bacteria called Lactobacillus, which helps prevent the spread of E. coli in the urethra. Finnish researchers found that women who ate this type of yogurt three times a week were almost 80 percent less likely to have recently developed a UTI than those who ate it less than once a week.

Have Fun,
Mommy of 6 <3

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